Back from Camping

 Alas, as does each camping trip, ours ended shortly after 8 a.m. this morning when we pulled out of our campsite and headed home. Now, back in the house and seated by the fireplace, I am resting up from our active weekend in preparation for a full five days of teaching before we break for a week over the Thanksgiving holiday.

During our trip, we visited Myrtle Beach State Park. Enjoy this panoramic view of the park's beach.

Not only did we walk on the beach, but we hiked a couple of the short trails through the coastal forest portion of the park. These photos I took of the pond near one of the trails look almost like paintings.

I did get some work done on my NANOWRIMO 2021 project, though, again, I did not write as much as I'd hoped. Over the next two weeks, I have a lot of catching up to do.


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